
My Setup

03 Feb 2012

Development is a craft and like every craftsman has his favorite tools here are my favorites.
I would present this in a interview style post. Here we go.

What hardware you use?
I use a Dell Inspiron  4GB Ram, 1 GB ATI graphics laptop. It has been 2 years and still it works just fine.While I do tweak my software to utilize the maximum of it. I have a Nokia E5 smartphone,its no Android or iPhone but this beast does its work pretty nicely. Also the camera quality is very nice.I also use a Logitech ultra-flat keyboard.I am planning on buying a new headphone and a 24 inch LED/LCD in future.

What software?
I use both Linux and Windows so i will be splitting this answer in two parts.

For Linux:
I use Ubuntu for almost everything, was a fedora user before but switched to Ubuntu because everything just works and development takes enough time so i don't have time tweaking and spending times on Fedoras and Archs.

  • Writing and Coding: Vim and Sometimes (Nano/Gedit)
  • Browser: Chromium and links(on command line mode)
  • Music: Clementine 
  • Video : Vlc
  • UI Design: Qt Designer
  • Terminal: Konsole with tmux.
  • Chat/IRC: Skype, Pidgin, Irssi
  • Desktop Environment: KDE 
  • PDF reader: Okular
  • Server: LAMP Stack, Also use nginx sometimes.
  • Preferable Language: Python and C, also sometime bash and Perl(learning)

On Windows 7:

  • Music: Winamp
  • Chat: Skype, Google talk
  • Image editing: Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Cloud storage: Dropbox, Google Drive
  • Utilities:  Daemon-tools, Putty, 7zip,Adobe Reader, MS Office 2010
  • Virtualization: Vmware workstation 8 
  • Development and Coding Works: Simple SSH into my Linux server running in the Virtualbox. 

What services you use?

  • Code Hosting: I mostly use Github, Google Code to host my code. Eyeing on Heroku and RedHat Open Stack for hosting my apps as well.
  • Social Networking: Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn
  • Geek Social Networking/Learning space : Stackoverflow, Linux Reddit and Hacker News
  • Cloud Services: Google Drive and Dropbox.

Dream Setup:

I would like to have a 3-monitor setup with a beast running atleast 24GB of Ram and fastest Processor of that time.I would also have a dedicated Media Server plus a File Server as my laptop gets old.
Will be getting a sexy Keyboard as the one shown in Die Hard 4.0.
Also would like to have A DSLR and a nice Android Tablet, probably Nexus 7 or Galaxy Tab.
Also  I would like to use something more beautiful than OS X and at the same time enjoy the freedom of Linux Stack.My Target is to build an amazing service for web and I am working on it. Will be posting as about it as i progress, Just one thing i can tell is that I would base it on Open Source and will contribute to it.
