
Github Watch: Languages

02 Sep 2012

Github is easily the world's largest repository for projects with almost all major companies as well as Startups  use them to deploy their code or contribute to Open Source. 

This is a small infographic of Top 10 Languages that are used to create projects at Github.
 I will try to analyze what we can deduce from this data. 
JavaScript, Ruby and Python take first three places. It was quite obvious because Developers are more focused to develop stuff for web and these languages provide everything you need to create a great looking website or App that can scale. Node , Rails and Django are the most famous projects that are trending nowadays.
One shocker is Shell Beating Java and PHP, well all we can make out from this data is that most of people or a huge percentage using Github are *nix users (either OS X or Linux ) . One factor can also be that people might not want to Open Source there java projects or PHP ones.Its a highly competitive market and sure we can't blame them. 

Next up we have C, C++ , Perl and Objective-C. It was obvious because C and C++ are tougher to learn compared to languages such as python, Ruby or JavaScript.Objective-C in the list shows that iOS developers are also contributing to Open Source projects at Github.

This data might not be accurate to the developers language choice and Projects, but surely gives us a view of what current trend is.
