I have been using vim for almost 5 years now. For some time, I even switched to Sublime text2 but I am finally back home. Well, the following guide is only for macs. Sorry GVIM users! Here is the latest screenshot of my macvim:
As you can see, it has a nice Filebrowser that is way more clean and intuitive than NERDTree.
First and foremost down this build of Macvim from alloy’s fork:
Unzip it and then put the Macvim.app
into your Applications
Follow these instructions to have the same in your Mac.
First of all do this:
git clone git@github.com:vinitkumar/.vim.git
git clone https://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git ~/.vim/bundle/vundle
cd .vim
cp vimrc ~/.vimrc
cp vimrc.before ~/.vimrc.before
cp vimrc.bundles ~/.vimrc.bundles
vim +BundleInstall +qall
Install the peepopen app from here: Peepopen. When installed open peepopen and set MacVim as your default editor.
Once you are done with these steps you have a super awesome development IDE optimised for Python/JS/Ruby development.
Credit must be given to @alloy and @topfunky for creating these wonderful addons to Vim.
Happy hacking!