
One Month Hacking

After a lot of meditation about what I have achieved in last one year, I have stumbled upon one fact. I need to hack a lot more on Python and JavaScript. These are two main languages I am comfortable with and almost all my projects and official work is done with them.

What Is Information Overload And What To Do About It?

Each one of us uses one Social Network or another. It was fine in the earlier days when it was connecting you to your long lost friend, colleague or someone you knew. But do we realize what it is doing to us now?

We are being subjected to information overload and that too in the worst form. There are endless stories about all the stuff that doesn't even matter to us. We are being fed so much about our friends that we are not even interested to know about them anymore. Sharing every crap that happens in your life is a common norm and anyone who doesn't stick to it is dated. 

Well, that fact is, we should just shut this information overload and take control of our life. We don't really need to be subjected to this and become depressed and deprived people. Life has better meaning than all of it. We are born to do great things in life and not being sucked into this emotional and depressing wormhole that these Social Networks are creating.

With that said, not all of the Social Networks are bad. Some of them like Twitter and Google+ gives us the option to minimise the intrusion of this excess information. So take a stand and control what kind of information gets to you. Clean up your friends and following list. Follow only those person and group you are really passionate  about. Pick up some nice offline activity, meet some nice people , play some music, watch sunrise or sunset, start running etc. There are so many nice things to do. So just shut up laptop/tablets/smartphones and get some life people!

New Theme For My Blog

So this week, I wrote a new theme for my blog. One big reason was that using theme created by others were not fitting my needs and I was not inspired to write anymore. This was odd because in general I love writing posts on my blog.

Happiness Driven Development

Software development could be a very tiring and demanding process. Putting 80 hour weeks running after a goal that may or maybe not be achieved and then getting into depression is not right.

One should optimise his work and workplace for happiness. Setup small easy goals that you could really achieve and celebrate it every time. It is good to be ambitious but it is insanely stupid to make super tough goal with out some real practise.

Start small,  reach your goal and next time try to do it more efficiently. People say that 'Failures are the pillars of success' , I would humbly disagree. It is these small successes that are pillars of some big successes. Look around yourself. Just take chess for example: Someone doesn't becomes a grandmaster because he had been defeated by every other grandmaster. Likewise don't obsess with failure. Better start winning by doing something nice today however small it maybe.

Failure is a good thing to do some self evaluation and getting better where it's needed.  Treat it as a unit test, so that you know what tests are failing and what you could do to solve them. Solve them and come out with flying colors.

Life is way too small to waste and be sad and depressed.
Think about it! :)