
My Current Projects

These days i was busy working on an a project called as Node Twitter. As the name suggest it is a twitter clone written on node.

Talks and Videos That Could Make You A Better Developer

Hey fellas, sorry for not actively blogging these months. But, I have some interesting stuff for you guys.

Development is a complex process and it requires a lot of skill, hard work and techniques to be a really good developer. Recently, I  came across a lot of good stuff and things are improving for me quite positively. I wanted to share the same with you.

These are mostly talks, videos or presentation by some really popular, successful people from our industry. The tips they give are mostly an eye opener. Hope you enjoy them.

Also, here is another great presentation by the same guy.

The next talk is by Heroku co-founder Adam. This is single most awesome talk i have seen in recent times and is a must watch.


 Hope you guys enjoy 'em and keep doing great work!

JavaScript is An Adult , See What It Can Do now.

The first version of JS was released in 10 days. Enjoy this talk by it's founder. Enjoy it with some good coffee.

My Setup

I am doing The Setup interview for myself. It is basically based on these four questions: