
My First flight

So finally, I am going for a week long vacation and it has finally begun. On Air India flight to Delhi and From Delhi to Ranchi. Well this vacation is special for a lots of good reason. First of all, this is my first flight. Also , this is first vacation since i have started working at Changer Technologies, Pune.

Twitter in NodeJS

I am thinking to make a twitter like application as a learning exercise to get better at node. It will on usual nodejs based stack, since i am actively learning that now. More details will be blogged as i progress.

JavaScript is super awesome

I started programming JavaScript seriously in September 2012 and i never ever wondered that it will affect my life so much. Well, it started with me working on developing a Chrome Extension for a E-commerce/Social media app. Chrome is quite different for development. There are lots of APIs to learn and there are quite a few security restrictions. Also, there is only one language that you can use to develop it i.e JavaScript.

Linux to Mac

A lot of things have changed recently. I converted from a hardcore Linux user to Mac lover. I got a high end Macbook from Office.