20 Jul 2014
Whether you are working for a big software company or a small sized startup, writing good code is pretty much critical to your success. But the catch is it is not very easy to achieve without proper motivation from your side.
12 Jun 2014
Sometimes we keep looking for resources everywhere only to realize that we had it with us the whole time. Situation like these might arise when you have too many choices. I too faced these moments before. It is a tough situation indeed.
18 May 2014
Last week, I came across an interesting problem at work. The problem was:
04 May 2014
I always wanted to use Emacs. Yesterday, I wanted to have a good JavaScript/Node REPL in my editor. Though I had always used Vim since last 5 years still setting up a REPL in Vim is not very easy. So I decided to give Emacs a try and till now I am enjoying using Emacs.