
My Setup

Development is a craft and like every craftsman has his favorite tools here are my favorites.
I would present this in a interview style post. Here we go.

What hardware you use?
I use a Dell Inspiron  4GB Ram, 1 GB ATI graphics laptop. It has been 2 years and still it works just fine.While I do tweak my software to utilize the maximum of it. I have a Nokia E5 smartphone,its no Android or iPhone but this beast does its work pretty nicely. Also the camera quality is very nice.I also use a Logitech ultra-flat keyboard.I am planning on buying a new headphone and a 24 inch LED/LCD in future.

What software?
I use both Linux and Windows so i will be splitting this answer in two parts.

For Linux:
I use Ubuntu for almost everything, was a fedora user before but switched to Ubuntu because everything just works and development takes enough time so i don't have time tweaking and spending times on Fedoras and Archs.

  • Writing and Coding: Vim and Sometimes (Nano/Gedit)
  • Browser: Chromium and links(on command line mode)
  • Music: Clementine 
  • Video : Vlc
  • UI Design: Qt Designer
  • Terminal: Konsole with tmux.
  • Chat/IRC: Skype, Pidgin, Irssi
  • Desktop Environment: KDE 
  • PDF reader: Okular
  • Server: LAMP Stack, Also use nginx sometimes.
  • Preferable Language: Python and C, also sometime bash and Perl(learning)

On Windows 7:

  • Music: Winamp
  • Chat: Skype, Google talk
  • Image editing: Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Cloud storage: Dropbox, Google Drive
  • Utilities:  Daemon-tools, Putty, 7zip,Adobe Reader, MS Office 2010
  • Virtualization: Vmware workstation 8 
  • Development and Coding Works: Simple SSH into my Linux server running in the Virtualbox. 

What services you use?

  • Code Hosting: I mostly use Github, Google Code to host my code. Eyeing on Heroku and RedHat Open Stack for hosting my apps as well.
  • Social Networking: Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn
  • Geek Social Networking/Learning space : Stackoverflow, Linux Reddit and Hacker News
  • Cloud Services: Google Drive and Dropbox.

Dream Setup:

I would like to have a 3-monitor setup with a beast running atleast 24GB of Ram and fastest Processor of that time.I would also have a dedicated Media Server plus a File Server as my laptop gets old.
Will be getting a sexy Keyboard as the one shown in Die Hard 4.0.
Also would like to have A DSLR and a nice Android Tablet, probably Nexus 7 or Galaxy Tab.
Also  I would like to use something more beautiful than OS X and at the same time enjoy the freedom of Linux Stack.My Target is to build an amazing service for web and I am working on it. Will be posting as about it as i progress, Just one thing i can tell is that I would base it on Open Source and will contribute to it.

Need Human Readable Disk Usage Stats,Add This Script

If you want a more human readable Disk Usage stats while using linux, add the following script to your .bashrc
alias duf='du -sk * | sort -n | perl -ne '\''($s,$f)=split(m{\t});for (qw(K M G)) {if($s<1024) {printf("%.1f",$s);print "$_\t$f"; last};$s=$s/1024}'\'

You should add it under User specified Functions and aliases. When you are done with it this is what you will see when you type duf in your terminal.

This is nice, but how about using the -h option to du?

$ du -sh *
17M bugzilla-3.4.6
36K hsperfdata_root
52M new
42M old
0 sfcbLocalSocket
4.0K ssh-ffOOT30605

Could you remove the line in my message labelled "mapping" (thanks!).

Google+ Gets New Look and Cool Features.

There is one thing that is very noticeable about Google+ and that is the way it is evolving. When it first came in it had nothing very special so as to take Social Networking giant Facebook . But recently some very cool and clean looking features has been incorporated into Google+.

In the first screenshot you can see that there is a new navigation UI in Google+, just click the Google+ logo and you will get all the options such a profile page, Search, Images, Maps, Youtube, News, Gmail,Documents etc.

It might prove a very decisive move from Google+ to incorporate all the existing services that are being used by millions into Social Networking realm.The switch seems perfectly clean and everything works like wonders.

[caption id="attachment_568" align="alignleft" width="580" caption="New Way To Navigate in Google+"][/caption]

Also in the next one we can see that a very portable YouTube player incorporated in the right, Just search in your favorite artist/band and it will be lined up in a convenient playlist. So you can actually use the Netflix kind of services for free and in many cases more better.

[caption id="attachment_571" align="alignleft" width="580" caption="YouTube Videos In A Cool Playlist Mode."][/caption]

This is the latest addition in Google+, a brand new share button so that you can update your status, add pics or whatever you wish even if u are using any of the Google services like gmail.

[caption id="attachment_572" align="alignleft" width="580" caption="New Share Button On The Top Sidebar Of Gmail and Google+"][/caption]


So Looking at the new features we can definitely predict that future seems bright for Google+ and though the growth is slow, it might be a steady and long lasting one.
New UI of youtube...

Youtube has updated to a new design of UI, along with other products of google like: adsense, analytics, webmaster tools, gmail. The most significant change is the background, it’s no longer white, replaced with a texture based background image, ...

How To Get WiFi working in Fedora/Ubuntu

Hello everyone! Most of you must have faced some problems regarding your wireless drivers and it might not be working properly or working at all. Here is a quick guide how you can sort out this problem. The error must have been device not ready-firmware missing.

The guide is as follows: Download the drivers from this link

Now to need to extract the file.For that you need to go to directory where the file is downloaded. Open your terminal and type cd /home/username/Downloads and then type tar -xjf broadcom-wl- you type this command what it does is that all the content of the tarball gets extracted in the same directory the tarball is. Now get into Superuser shell because you will be needing full rights.For this you can type su -- and followed by root passwd if you are using fedora and alikes. If using Ubuntu/mint/ type sudo -s and then followed by passwd. You will get into root shell and will get # instead of $. Now you need to change the directory to the extracted drivers. For this type cd /home/username/Downloads/broadcom-wl- Finally you need to extract all the drivers to the relevant directory.For this type : #b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta_mimo.o Now restart your system and guess what you can use your wifi without any hitch.
[...] the original post: How To Get WiFi working in Fedora/Ubuntu « A guide to your digital … This entry was posted in all, and, DE, Drive, drivers, ever, GUI, guide, here, how, in, is, it, [...]